Once a day or more frequently, we find ourselves who cannot concentrate on work. Some sorts of complicated thoughts come up and they dominate my head spinning. When you look at your watch the task you were proceeding became overdue already. Many of us recognize this kind of issue so we try to relieve or not to bring up any thoughts. However, even though we try and suppress the thoughts, they come out abruptly and ruin all my life. Regardless of their themes, the brought up thoughts themselves interrupt my life and my career. Some might not consider whether he/she is interrupted by the thoughts, since we reflect ourselves the thoughts impact us tremendously negatively more than we feel.
If the thoughts are about a tragedy or horrible experience the impacts of them will be double or triple than other usual thoughts. Most of the mental disorders come from these remembered thoughts. If your thoughts do not suffer yourself harshly yet you may think “Why should we care of the thoughts about the past?”. Yes, we do not have to keep bring them up in our head. However, the reason why we are afraid of repetition. Many people are suffered with unceasing thoughts which pop up abruptly without an ignition or a signal. How can we escape from there?
The only way we can escape from there is subtraction and throwing away. Let’s compare with a trash bin. If the trash bin is full and has stink we clear the trash and wash it. Nobody wants to suppress to economize a trash bag. Once the trash bin was cleared, then you can confirm that the dirty stuffs and the smell were gone. As we had been clearing up the bin the negativities disappeared. What we need is the process, clear up our mind. Do not hesitate to clean up your mind today for yourself.